BlockDash 1.3: One Year Anniversary

Block Dash is now a year old! Not really, it has a day to go, but it's safe to assume nobody will enter this page in two days... haha...

I don't think I'll be doing any major updates to the game from now on. It was fun. Despite having to rewrite the whole UI because of a memory leak, staring at the screen for hours because I just couldn't do trigonometry properly, and such.

Anyway, here is the changelog:

- Bullets and hit markers are now the same color as the player.

- Made the game background darker.

- Added an intro.

- Bullets now have trails.

- All trails (enemy, player, bullet trails) now register as a particle, getting rid of the trail.lua script and repetitive code between player and enemy.

- Removed unused gradient.lua script.

- Added command line arguments, such as:

--verbose: Logs some detailed info at the debug menu. Press F1 to view.

--no-vsync: Turns off V-Sync, letting the FPS go higher than 60.

--skip-intro: Skips the intro sequence and launches the main menu immediately, like in older versions.

--fullscreen: Starts the game in fullscreen.

- In-game UI is revamped, collecting all elements on the center of the screen to improve gameplay.

- Gamepad support added. Connect a joystick and press any button to switch to gamepad mode. A gamepad icon at the game UI will pop up.

- Some code optimization.

Files 1.1 MB
Aug 23, 2023 4.8 MB
Aug 23, 2023 5.3 MB
Aug 23, 2023

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